Thursday, April 30, 2009

I can't believe

I can't believe it's been over a year since I joined blogland. So in honor of my missed anniversary around these here parts, if you're here and you see your name over on the left hand side of this page: Go straight to your blog and update.

ne caveat - say something nice about me. :) <--you don't really have to do that! Really.


Mom2BJM(Amy) said...

I haven't been good updating my blog lately, but I'll say you are Wonderful TummY!

Keep on Blogging!

Anonymous said...

Wow, a year already. I just noticed that it's been almost a year since Tkit updated.

Happy Anniversary Tummy!

Anonymous said...

P. S. I've done a better job of updating mine lately.

maroonclown said...

I complied to your direction, Tummy.

Swami said...

One year? Really? That makes you one of the very few people who has been blogging for less time than I have.


Oh wait. That wasn't nice.

(And you know I am keeding, of course. I love coming to your blog! Keep on blogging, Tummy!)

macgyver13 said...

Happy anniversary, Tum! It's also the anniversary of our move to the new house, so here's to great things being a year old.

Cutsy said...

Argh! I better update then.

kim (weltek) said...

I said something nice about you in my blog post. :-)

Puffy said...

*yawns from jet lag* I'll update soon. It's always a joy to visit your blog.

MM said...

I'm late but I did it.

Happy belated anniversary!

Seana said...

Happy belated anniversary from me too! April the 30th is also the anniversary of when my DH and I started dating. In 1990. Good grief - 19 years.

Anyway, I will go update. I've been bad about that lately. Thank-you for the reminder.