Friday, April 24, 2009

Chuck and Subway

I've never participated in a campaign to save a show, but I think I can handle doing this. So Monday night I'm buying 2 foot long chicken teriyaki Subway sandwiches and settling down to watch what I hope is just the season finale of Chuck and not the series finale. *whimper

I've posted on OT my Chucklove many times and was shocked to find that this show is on the verge of cancellation. *kicks NBC Hatefully bastards, how can they even think of taking my Casey away!

So if you love me you'll buy a Subway sandwich Monday night and watch Chuck :).


Swami said...

*hangs head* I have never watched Chuck.

I will send Tom to Subway for his lunch. I don't eat there following an unfortunate incident at Mall of America a few years ago.

Tummy said...

I still love you Swami :) But you've missed out on a really cute show. I tell everyone it's my non-pharmaceutical anti-depressant. Now I'm going to have to start doing drugs.

kim (weltek) said...

Upon OT's recommendation, I got Chris hooked on Chuck. I intended to watch it, but always have school work to do. I have watched a few episodes and see bits and pieces each week, and agree, it's a great show. I have a little geek crush on Chuck.

macgyver13 said...

I still haven't seen anything about Chuck and don't have the foggiest idea what or who Chuck is. Guess I need to keep my eyes open some more and check it out when I get a chance...

But I will never go to Subway, it's a vile place and any place that exposes us to the half-assed-ness of Jared deserves to be force-fed a few dozen foot-long Subway Subs. I'm partial to Quizno's myself.