Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Morning Rituals

I am a ritualistic person. And if my ritual is thrown off I'm out of whack for most of the day.
I used to get up 2 hours before work to have "slow time" but now since I work from home I only get up an hour early.

I stumble from the bed and into the bathroom for morning ablutions, I'm a shower at night girl so I'm done pretty quick. Walk to the door and let Diesel out, then into the kitchen to pop a cup of water into the microwave for tea. Back into the bedroom where I dress, and believe me that takes no time anymore, t-shirt and shorts. Ding, I plop my tea bag (I do vary my tea flavors, right now my favorite is Constant Comfort) into the hotwater and let Diesel back in. I add some Splenda to my tea and a splash of sugar-free hazelnut creamer.

Only now am I ready to cozy up to the computer where I play all the quizzes before doing anything else. Then I check out OT....and then I start reading blogs. I'm a bottom reader, not to be confused with a bottom feeder! I start with the bottom of my "Read blogs" list, so Zombs if you're reading this you're always first, so write more :) A quick click and I'll know if something's new and I'll be reading or not, you all don't write enough, I can tell you right now.

So by the time I'm done my first cup of tea is finished and I'm awake enough to start work.

So what's your morning rituals like?

And if you are not on my "read list of blogs" please tell me, the more blogs to read the more awake I will be :)


Bravie said...

I am up and out of the house in 45 minutes. I feed the cats first or else!!! then I pour my coffee, shower, dress and leave.
Michelle takes FOREVER to get ready. She is a lolligagger. Good lord will someone make her move faster in the morning?
She has to have her coffee first or else!!! then she does this and that and then a chore or two and more this and that and then finally she starts to get ready. Drives me insane!!!

Glowie said...

On days when I've showered the night before, I wake up, go pee and wash my face, go outside with the dogs and smoke a cigarette, come back in (with the dogs), give the dogs treats, brush my teeth, get dressed, make sure the cats are fed and leave. It takes me about 20 to 25 minutes. If I didn't shower the night before, add 10 to 15 minutes.

Cutsy said...

Lol about the tea Tummy as it's pretty much what I do too except it's always Earl Gray with just a little sugar and unless it's bad weather our dog is out for the day. I like to shower at night too but since I cut my hair shorter the bed head seems to be more obvious!

Anonymous said...

I'm usually always awake by 6:15, I just vary my get-up time.

I get up and shower. I wash my hair everyday and shave. I also without fail step out of the shower, clean my ears with Q-Tips, put in my contacts, put on my face lotions, then my body lotion. I then put my pajamas back on and then brush my teeth.

I then wake Conner if he's not up, get him downstairs for his breakfast (unless he wants to eat at school). I go back up and put on my makeup and then dry my hair. On a rare occasion, I also use a straightening iron. I then get dressed in my work clothes, put on my jewelry, call Conner up to get dressed and brush his teeth. We leave, I drop him off to school then come to work.

I make myself somethng to eat and start the coffee. Sometimes I wait there for it to brew, other times I don't.

I go to gmail first. Actually, I open Outlook first. Then to my blog, then to OT. I keep OT up in one tab, and I click on another and go back to gmail or blogs. I usually start with "A" and like you, I can tell when someone has updated.

I also then have to venture back to other blogs or gmail to get links to blogs that I do not have linked.

I need to link you, Amy, Cutsy and Deb. I tell myself this every. single. morning, but I never get around to doing it.

During the past several weeks around here, mornings have been heaven for me. My assistant is out on maternity leave. My immediate boss usually doesn't get here until 10. So I have two hours to myself. I love it. I get more work done during that time than I do all day sometimes. It's just a nice quiet time for me.

And this is my weekday ritual. My weekend ritual is completely different.

Swami said...

I love rituals! What are all the quizzes you speak of?

When I wake up I must.have. two cups of coffee before doing anything else. First cup starts my heart, second one starts my brain. Most days, anyway.

My blog list is in mostly alphabetical order and some days I start at the top, some days I start at the bottom. I never go to OT anymore unless I am specifically directed to something that has blog world in a tizzy. Even then I may or may not go.