Thursday, March 26, 2009

Just Stuff

1. My Dad starts radiation today, which I think is ridiculous. He's in such bad health otherwise that the Doctor told him he'll die of something else before the prostate cancer catches him. He has no symptoms, so why put yourself thru the side effects of radiation?

2. My sister lost her job so she's going back to teaching. The sugar daddy is going to support her for the summer. Poor thing was so upset that he sent her to Vail for a week so she could de-stress. Yeah, I'm a little jealous, but I wouldn't choose that lifestyle. :)

3. Rob's looking for another job, the company he went to work for isn't having the jobs come in like they thought they would so there's talk of lay-off or part-time.

4. I have a week long work trip to San Antonio coming up in May that I'm looking forward to, the only bad thing is I'm going to miss my niece graduating from RN school. :(

5. Bre comes home in a little over a month. Yay!


Anonymous said...

1. *hugs* This may sound like a dumb question, but can he refuse it?

2. Agree with you.

3. Sorry. *crosses fingers*

4. What day of the week is graduation? Any possibility of coming home early?

5. Such good news Tummy!

Tummy said...

1. Not a dumb question at all Boo -

Yes he can refuse, yes I've told him my opinion and no he's not going to refuse. I do think he will not complete the 9 weeks of it, but.....

4. On a freaking Tuesday! Who schedules graduations on Tuesdays!?

5. Yes it is *great big happy grin

kim (weltek) said...

Sorry about your dad having to go through radiation. Hopefully it will be for the best and give him a better chance to work on the rest of his illnesses after that. Tough decision to make.

Good luck to Rob. I'll be sending him good luck vibes!

You must be giddy to see Bre!

Puffy said...

Good news and bad news. That's life. *hugs*

Swami said...

1. More and more it seems docs just watch protate cancer and don't offer the aggressive treatment as quickly as they used to. I hope your dad tolerates the radiation okay.

2. My niece lived the sugar daddy lifestyle for a few years. She always said it was great, but once she (or rather he) moved on she suddenly discovered she had a few "lost" years.

3. Bummer.

4. Bummer

5. YAY!!!!!