Monday, November 9, 2009

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

The Good

Ok, so I'm tired of going after jobs that tell me I'm not worth what I say I'm worth. Or, think they can get me for a song and a dance because I'm unemployed.


I made up some business cards and went to a seminar in Dallas. Where I networked my ass off. I'm now home with not one but two dentists that I'm now doing billing for, plus a contract that I'm about to sign to do some contracting consulting work - about an extra 1500.00 a month.

seminar - 0.00
cards - 10.00
gas - 30.00
room - 69.00
re-employed - priceless

The Bad

My mother is 2 weeks out of hip surgery. My brother "surprises" her with a puppy while I was gone. Have Shitzu, half poodle. I told them I hope they were prepared for SIL to stay until puppy was potty trained because I wasn't taking that on, and I don't see how mom is going to do it. Idjits.

The Ugly (in a cute sort a way)

The puppy. It is cute, but I'm not going to admit it. I'm staying far away until they figure out that Tummy's NOT giving in. As eldest and closest I get the majority of the mom and dad problems - but they've created this one - and I'm not stepping in to fix it this time.


Breezy said...

What kind of idiot gets someone recouping from surgery a puppy? A house trained dog, yes. A puppy!?!?!?!

Wow, very cool about being self employed!

kim (weltek) said...

AWESOME news on the job front! You did that all yourself and should be very proud!!! I hope Rob realizes how awesome you are.

OMG-a puppy? Seriously? WTH? Be strong, Tum, be strong.

Anonymous said...

Great news about the job news Tummy! Good for you. I was just FB chatting with someone this morning who has been out of work since May.

And good for you standing your ground.

frodis said...

Good for you for taking matters into your own hands and stirring up some business for yourself. Very smart, and very admirable. Soon, you'll be Tummy, Inc.!

Poor mom. Poor puppy. What a mess!

Tummy said...

Not poor mom. She's on board now too. I'm speaking very limited to the bunch of them.

Swami said...

Congrats on making employment happen for you, Tummy! Way to go!

Sheesh on the puppy gift. At least it sounds like a smallish dog and unlikely to knock your mom down. Is mom a dog lover? Because that probably makes all the difference.

Sometimes people train those small breed dogs to poop & pee on indoor training mats because that is pretty easy to do. I have never understood this, plus it is supposedly much harder to get them to go outdoors once they learn to do it inside. My sister's shih t'zu has peed on a mat by the back door for years. She goes to the door & if no one shows up to let her out within about 3 seconds then she goes on the floor.

Puffy said...

Congratulations on the job, not on the puppy.