Monday, August 25, 2008

7 Days does not 3 Weeks make

Still in Austin (technically Dripping Springs). Was originally was only suppose to be here from Sunday to Sunday, but by the time I get home I will have been away for 3 weeks. My bosses father-in-law has taken pity on me and went over and mowed my lawn for me. He's a huge sweetheart.

I'm homesick, but it's nice to be begged for my time :) And the perks have been nice. Except for the lack of OT time :(.

When does it turn into a kidnapping? *ha


JBug said...

The real question is:
When will you be back?
OT misses you!

Bravie said...

Abandoner. :P

Anonymous said...

You're really not missing anything in OT. I promise. :)

We miss you though.

Breezy said...

Kewl, now I can post here.

I miss you! Hurry back, but not to OT. *rolls eyes* Nothing good there, just the usuals sharpening their teeth and nails on each other.

Bravie said...

If you wait too much longer OT may have already imploded and be gone. Hurry up.

dragonflies said...

Hey, I've got a thresd for you to post in. Don't listen to Breezy. We need all the rational posters we can get.

Breezy said...

*pout* I don't think you love us anymore.