Friday, May 23, 2008


Tagged by Arkie

The rules:
a. Link to the person who tagged you.
b. Post the rules on your blog.
c. Write six random things about yourself.
d. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
e. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment at their blog.
f. Let your tagger know when your entry is up.

1. I just learned how to link.
2. I am a freaking stud when it comes to killing poison ivy!
3. I did in fact get my tragus pierced and it hurt like a .....
4. I'm buying 2 pygmy goats and naming them Cornbread and Beans
5. I sold my first painting in 15 years for 500.00 the other day.
6. I am eating strawberries that I grew myself.

I tag:



Julia said...

All done :D

Julia said...

Oops - forgot to note:

Traguses hurt. Of course they hurt. It's straight through cartilage.

I thought (briefly) about getting a snug or a daith (consult the internets) but ultimately, I decided against it, because I have not had very many good piercing experiences. I did have plugs in my lobes for a while, up to 4g, but then took them out when they got itchy. Now, it's just the navel piercing and I.

Tummy said...

You're good...and fast!

I knew what those were silly :)

I don't like plugs, I think they stink. Like literally. Can't stand the smell. Erg.

MM said...

Congrats on selling the painting!!
I love #4! How cute! :)

Nailbone said...

I'm done, too.

Puffy said...

This might have been random, but I learned a lot. I needed to google "tragus." Congrats on selling the painting. Do you paint a lot? What kind of paintings do you do? I want to know more about your painting and how you sold it.

Tummy said...

I used to paint alot, I went to college on an art scholarship and then did nothing with it :) Bre came along and you know the rest of the story.

I drove some back country roads around here and took pics of old farmhouses and barns. One pic of a really old barn turned out really good. So I turned it into an oil painting.

My co-workers wanted to see it so I brought it to the office. One of the patients saw it and it turns out it used to be his grandparents farm. He offered me 500.00 for it right there and of course I said yes :) He had tears in his eyes. It was way cool. It happened so quick though that I didn't even think to take a pic :(

Other than the occasional oil, I do alot of paintings on rocks. Cheap medium :) and quick.

And there you have it!

Puffy said...

Awww, what a beautiful story!

Bravie said...

How awesome that you sold a painting. Very cool. *smooch*

Seana said...

Um. I finally checked my blog. *waves sheepishly*

Hooray for selling a painting! That's great! Was it hard to grow your own strawberries? I just planted one the other week. *crosses fingers*

Buggy said...

Wow, congrats on the painting, and such a cool coincidence that the patient was here to see it. It was meant to be his.

I need poison ivy help.

My mother used to always say
"It's painful to be beautiful" ,
I think that's a load of crap, unless it's brow waxing, I'm not doing it if it hurts.

Tummy said...

Seana it was not hard to grow the strawberries. Easy peasy :) And they are yummy.

Thanks for all the yays on the painting.

Kimmah said...

The painting story is fantastic. Yay, you!!

I'm finally done. I am in slow motion lately, but I get there eventually.