Wednesday, December 30, 2009


As year endings go I think this one is one of the saddest for me. The person I've considered a best friend for a long period of time has been changing and showing aspects of her character that I just have a hard time over-looking or accepting. And while I know that part of being a friend is accepting and understanding I'm about at the end of those particular attributes. I feel like a battery that has been drained over the past year and I never get a re-charge. So as this year changes into a new year I think I'll let this best friendship change into a different kind of friendship.

It's sad, but I think on the other side it will be much healthier for me. *sniff


Puffy said...

We all change; thank goodness that you and Rob are changing together. I bet that one day your friend will come to her senses. But this year ends well; Bre and Mike have come home!

kim (weltek) said...

I'm sorry you are having to go through this, Tummy. I'll vouch for it feeling better to let go of the old, though sometimes I still get sad.

maroonclown said...

It sucks when things run their course. Especially after the investment of time and emotions but you have to do what's healthy for you.
