Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Odds and ends again - or maybe it's just odds

Got the inside of the house decorated. Rob's promised to get the outside lights hung before I get back. He's also making an extra leaf for my table as we're having quite a few people for T-day this year. Good man! I think I'll keep him.

Lori's gone to Mexico for a short vacation, so I'm staying with Kayla and Ashley for 3 days. I have to admit, I worry about walking that edge of being an over-protective mom while Lori's gone. I plan on cleaning her house while she's gone. You can tell she's been overwhelmed, so I figure that's one gift easily given.

I've brought my crocheting with me, thinking maybe I can get Kayla interested. She's been so blah, bored and down lately that maybe something none tiring will get her out of the doldrums. I can't imagine how it feels to be a 14 yr old stuck at home, feeling like crap but at the same time being bored out of your mind.

Hope everyone's Thanksgiving plans are coming together!


frodis said...

You're a good friend and a good second mom, Tummy. Lori and Kayla and Ashley are lucky to have you.

Rob is lucky to have you too, even though you make him work. :)

We're guests for Thanksgiving so nothing to plan but what to wear. My dad did ask me to bring homemade bread.

Tummy said...

Fro - can I ask you to bring homemade bread? Yum and drool.

frodis said...

Absolutely. I am having so much fun making homemade bread it's ridiculous.

Puffy said...

Teaching Kayla to crochet is a fantastic idea.

kim (weltek) said...

I agree with Puffy-great plan! It's something she can do that won't tire her out, and she can feel progress and plan all the things she'll make in the future.